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Why Edubooks?

Edubooks is a free platform to help students buy, sell, and trade books with other students on campus.

Upload textbook listings for books you want to offer for sale. Search other students' offerings to see what textbooks are available from students on your campus, so you can message them to meet and trade/buy books fast, safe and easy. With Edubooks you save money by bartering with other students rather than getting gouged by the campus bookstore. You can meet other students who have taken the same classes as you and develop a network of contacts who share your interests and aspirations. We do not take any fees for using the app and it is completely free for all students to use. We at Edubooks understand the ridiculous tuition fees, so we made this tool to save students money as well as stress. If you do not find the textbook from a student, we also aggregate all the best prices from around the web, such as amazon, chegg and ebay so you can compare prices, as well as save time and money by looking at one consolidated list. Students can also sell their textbooks to online buyback companies.

Edubooks is a tool all students need to know about, and our mission is to provide a free platform so everyone can save money!